LONDON - Singer-songwriter and troubadour harpist Jacquelyn Brown, formerly of Leamington, has been named artist-in-residence at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

In making the announcement, the Very Reverend Bruce Howe, dean and rector, said the appointment of Brown to the post at the cathedral is in keeping with a long tradition of mutual support between the arts and the church.

"Historically, the relationship between cathedrals and the arts was mutual and strong. In nurturing this partnership, artists and artisans formalized their connection with the cathedral church in a city by being appointed artists in residence," he said. "In our day and age, the soul of a person or a city will find meaning and gain wholeness when religion - in it's broadest sense - and the arts call us to achieve our potential."

Brown is known throughout Ontario as a concert performer at folk festivals and a variety of other venues. Her compositions and recordings reflect her dual interests in the folk genre and spiritual themes. She is also known in both Canada and the U.S. for her sacred dance and choreography.

"This new association with St. Paul's Cathedral will nurture the spiritual aspects of my work in the same way folk festivals and collaboration with other musicians feed the creative side of my art," Brown said. "I look forward to contributing to - and being nurtured by - the cathedral community."

Her appointment as artist-in-residence was ratified recently by the Chapter of Canons, meeting in session at the cathedral.

Brown's debut recording, Awakening... the breath of life, was released in 1993. A second album is in production, with a release date planned for the summer of 1995.

Brown was featured as a mainstage performer at the 1994 Home County Folk Festival, London, and has appeared at numerous regional events, such as the Earth, Air, Fire, Water Celtic Roots Festival in Goderich, the London International Children's Festival, the Stratford Festival, the pre-Juno Canadian Music Week in Toronto and the Collingwood Celtic Continuum. Her music has been featured on CBC Radio and Canadian network television.
An article in The Leamington Post,
- Spring 1995 - no byline.

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