Jacquelyn Brown - Troubadour Harpist

Thoughts on the Music

Instrumental. Music by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This instrumental is wonderful for guided imagery and relaxation. I tend to daydream and feel refreshed after playing it. I often use this in a harp therapy session. This piece was intended to be heard with the next two pieces, Morning Breaking and Bed of Roses following it.'

Morning Breaking
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'The ocarina opening reminds me of the first bird calls of the dawn. I often awaken to the morning doves' sweet song at my home. There is a sense of mystery, and 'peaceful grace' about the dawn creeping up out of the dark night. This is an intro piece to the next love story, Bed Of Roses.'

Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This song is really the title track for Awakening... the breath of life. It is the story of Adam waking up beside Eve and Eve taking her first breath of life and discovering Adam beside her. The passion of 'I felt creation move' is captured in the love expressed between them, as sacred vessels unite for the first time.'

Deep Within My Soul
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This song was written after reading the prayer titled "Lord, you have seized me" from the book Prayers by Michael Quoist. The intimacy of the presence of the holy creator is always beyond words, yet we always try to put it in human terms, don't we?'

Bonny Love
Harp arrangement & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown.
Music: traditional, 1740

JB: 'I loved the traditional tune to Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, but I decided to give it new lyrics. Imagine a young woman standing at her window in the evening with the full moon shimmering on her hair. There she dreams about a new love that will pass by and whisk her away on the wind, till morning bids them goodnight.'

Days of Love and Innocence
Music & lyrics by Liona Boyd.
Harp arrangement & lyrics adapted by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'I wanted to capture this melody in a simple courtyard story. I envisioned a couple spending the night together with only poetry readings, flower petals and harp music expressing the love between them. Ah... maybe a kiss or two, but that's all! Can you imagine me carting my finches into the recording studio to capture those real live nature sounds? That's a story in itself.'

Daughter of the Moon
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'The image here is of a girl child being brought down to the mother on moonbeams. She is out in the forest, but in a clearing with crickets singing in the birth of this gift from heaven. Oh... if only childbirth was really that easy! I have played harp for the birth of a baby - so magical and wonderously mysterious.'

Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This is a joyful song of springtime dance around a Maypole with ribbons and children dancing and weaving round and round each other. At children's festivals it has been a treat to see the smiles and dances of the little ones to this fun piece.'

Come Little Children
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'A goodnight blessing for children as they listen to the music box and prepare to retire to bed and dreamland. I have fond memories of my children when they were really small and they would snuggle with their pillows at my feet as I played them a goodnight harp tune.'

Enter In
Harp arrangement & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown.
Traditional Mennonite Hymn in German
"Mude bin ich, geh' zu Ruh"

JB: 'This Mennonite hymn was a childhood favourite of my husband. He remembers singing it in German at his Mennonite Oma and Opas house when all the extended family was gathered on the porch to say goodnight. These are the treasured memories of adulthood. The words are not a translation but my impression of the tune itself enfolded in visions of the family on the porch.'

Water Gardens
Instrumental. Music by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This lap harp instrumental sounds so oriental. I wrote it after visiting a Japanese garden. On site was a standing gong and people came six at a time to power the long horizontal mallet with all their energy. If they were lucky it would sound long and true.'

(Lovely) Elora
Lyrics by Alex McLachlan, 1874.
Music by Jacquelyn Brown

'I remember my first trip to Elora, Ontario, Canada and how taken I was with its beauty. A year later I came across a poem written about it in the bottom of my suitcase. It was the first music I wrote on my big Salvi harp, as within an hour of finding the poem, this new beautiful harp was at my door from Italy. Mind you, the guy dropped it on my doorstep and it bounced four times before it stopped at the bottom of the hill. Italian harps are really sturdy you know.' In November of 1997 I received a lovely email from a mother in Florida who named her daughter Elora. This song has special meaning for Elora Johnson and her family. I send Elora blessings and joy.

Leslie's Isle
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This is a true story of a woman who used to live near me. One morning as we waited for the school bus for our kids, she related to me her trip to the Isle of Man and how she had taken her father's ashes back to be buried in this mystical, magical place. While there her mother died as well and was buried there too. Just before she moved, I shared this song with her.'

Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This lament is a true story of a beautiful young musician I knew from Kansas. She was eighteen when she passed over to the other side. Her father plays the harp now as he and his wife walk a healing journey...the greatest pain - the loss of a child.'

River of God (Thames)
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'We are so fortunate to have a river running through the city. People always walk, jog and bike by the Thames each day. "You'll come home with a peace only nature can give" keeps me coming back for more. One day as I sat by the river, seven families of geese came and sat around me and all settled down for a sleep. A tune kept going through my head as I relaxed with this gift from nature. After 50 minutes one female gave a call that sent all the baby goslings and their parents down to the water for a swim. These images later were added to the tune I heard that day.'

On The Shore Of Leamington
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'This song is a lament for Jackie, a boy from my hometown childhood memories. He was only ten when he drowned in Lake Erie. I always think of him when I walk on the dock when I'm home with family.'

Can You Sense Mother Earth
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'A call to responsibility, this song looks at how our five senses deal with the garbage of our lives. It's like a lullaby, gentle yet the words are true. "Mother Earth is crying again, crying so softly, it never ends."'

Elephants of Kenya
Music & lyrics by Jacquelyn Brown

JB: 'I wrote this after watching a National Geographic special. I was touched deeply by the pain of the baby elephants who couldn't sleep for weeks after seeing their mother die for the poacher's prize of ivory.'

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